Guddesh Harijan

Guddesh Harijan

IN • Joined Aug 2023


Experienced Software Engineer specializing in web development.

Work experience

2 years 6 months

Org Logo

XYZ Inclusive

2 years

Software Engineer

July 2019 - December 2021

Developed and maintained web applications for clients.


B R tambakad college hirekerur

2018 - 2021

Bachelor of Commerce - BComm in Finance

July 2018 - August 2021

Bachelor of Commerce degree - Completed a Bachelor of Commerce degree, specializing in [hirekerur ] from [Karnataka University Dharwad]. - Acquired in-depth knowledge and practical skills in areas such as [specific subjects finance and marketing]. - Demonstrated a strong understanding of business principles, including [specific business principles or concepts]. - Developed expertise in [specific skills or tools related to the field]. - Applied critical thinking and problem-solving abilities to successfully complete various projects and assignments. - Collaborated effectively with peers and faculty to achieve academic goals. - Consistently achieved high grades and received recognition for academic excellence. - Actively participated in extracurricular activities, enhancing leadership and teamwork skills. - Engaged in internships or practical training, gaining hands-on experience in [specific area]. - Stayed up-to-date with industry trends and advancements through continuous learning and professional development.

Pre University Education Board

2016 - 2018


June 2016 - May 2018

Govt High school dudihalli

2015 - 2016


April 2015 - July 2016


E-commerce Website

Jan 2020 - Feb 2020

XYZ Inclusive

Built a scalable e-commerce website using React and Node.js.

Web Development Project

Jan 2018 - Feb 2018

Developed a responsive website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Awards & achievements

Dean's List

Aug 2023

XYZ Inclusive

Excellence in Web Development Award

Dec 2021