Sharanya Shetty

Mangaluru, IN • Joined Jul 2023


Saint Joseph Engineering College Vamanjoor Mangalore

2023 - 2023

Bachelor of Engineering - BE in Computer Science

July 2023 - July 2023

Education: Bachelor of Science in Engineering, XYZ University - Achieved a solid foundation in engineering principles and practices through a rigorous curriculum. - Demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills through various technical projects and assignments. - Acquired a deep understanding of key engineering disciplines such as mechanical, electrical, and civil engineering. - Developed advanced analytical abilities by applying mathematical and scientific concepts to real-world engineering problems. - Collaborated effectively with diverse teams in project-based courses, fostering strong communication and teamwork skills. - Actively participated in extracurricular engineering clubs, enhancing practical knowledge and networking opportunities. - Maintained a high level of academic performance, consistently earning placement on the Dean's List throughout undergraduate studies. - Engaged in continuous self-improvement by seeking out additional workshops and seminars on emerging engineering technologies. - Completed a capstone project that showcased comprehensive knowledge and innovative thinking in the field of engineering.