sudhir more

sudhir more

Aurangabad, IN • Joined Aug 2023

Followed by Yash Rathod


Experienced professional and fresher with strong time-management and leadership skills. Thrive on working for reward and open to freelancing opportunities. Excel in utilizing social media platforms effectively. Currently seeking a job opportunity to contribute expertise and drive growth for an organization.

Work experience

2 years 2 months


2 years

social media manager

May 2021 - June 2023

Part time

Handled client interactions and managed online presence. Created websites for various clients and developed effective Facebook and Google ads for marketing campaigns. Demonstrated ability to engage with clients and deliver impactful online solutions.


MIT College Aurangabad, Maharashtra

2021 - Present

Bachelor of Technology - BTech in computer science

April 2021 - Present

- Excelled in academic pursuits, demonstrating a strong aptitude for learning and a genuine passion for knowledge acquisition. - Possess a proven ability to grasp new concepts quickly and efficiently, allowing for rapid skill development. - Display a genuine enthusiasm for studying and pursuing tasks aligned with personal interests and career aspirations.


mycartelll, purplehaze

Feb 2023 - Mar 2023

- Created and developed multiple websites for various clients - Successfully earned income through these website projects - Demonstrated dedication by taking on additional freelance work outside of regular employment

Awards & achievements

MIT College Aurangabad, Maharashtra

collage level marketing competition

Sep 2022