naga raju

naga raju

IN • Joined Jan 2024


17/1/2022 - 24/7/2023 2021Battula Nagar aju  10-85 siv aji Str eet Vija y awada r oad Myla v ar am  ∗∗∗∗∗  battula.nagar ∗∗∗∗∗ A ut omation test engineer Deloitte consulting India - Pr o v en tr ack r ecor d in the I T domain with o v er 2 y ears of experience specializing in both manual and aut omation testing. - Pr oficient in analyzing user st ories, cr afting compr ehensiv e test scenarios, and activ ely contributing t o br ainst orming and agile meetings. - Exper tise in r e viewing test cases, conducting v arious testing types (functional, r egr ession, smok e, per formance, and explor at or y), and utilizing Jir a for def ect tr acking. - Str ong gr asp of API testing, mobile testing, and sanity testing. - Skilled in P ython, P ython-Selenium, and Selenium-Cor e Ja v a for eff ectiv e aut omation. - F amiliarity with t ools such as JIRA, ALM, T estRail, P ostman, JMeter , and T risentis T osca aut omation. - Demonstr ated pr oficiency in SQL for quer y writing and ex ecution. - In-depth knowledge of SDL C and STL C, showcasing r obust testing domain exper tise. Lakki Reddy bali Reddy college of engineering Electrical and electr onics in engineering 8.3 A ut omation testing Selenium P ython T est cases Debugging My SQL Agile RDBMS Jir a F unctional testing Quality analyst Mapping Softwar e tester P ost man H TML T est planning T est scripts QA testing Information technology Manual testing T osca aut omation testing API testing SDL CEXPERIENCE EDUCA TION SKILLS PROJEC T SAFL A C medical insur ance policy In my first pr oject as an A ut omation Engineer (QA), I activ ely par ticipate in testing, focusing on compr ehensiv e analysis of medical insur ance claims. I meticulously examine each claim t o identify missing benefits and ensur e eligibility fulfillment. If a claim is inv alid, I pr omptly r epor t a bug and conclude the pr ocess. In this context, a claim r ef ers t o the details of a patient' s medical hist or y or r ecor d. Pr oject dur ation: 2/17/2022 t o 10/28/2022. Motiv a enterprises oil and gasoline distribution Pr oficient in utilizing both manual and aut omation testing t ools for pr oject ex ecution. - Specializ ed in functional and per formance testing, including the cr eation, v alidation, and v erification of test cases. - Exper tise in identifying and r esolving run-time err ors or bugs during testing cy cles, with a focus on r egr ession testing. - Utiliz ed T osca aut omation t ool for writing and ex ecuting test cases, alongside Selenium with Ja v a for aut omation scripting. - Compr ehensiv e r ole as an aut omation engineer , inv olving testing module r esponsibilities based on business r equir ements (BI). - Responsible for cr afting and ex ecuting test cases, def ect tr acking, and r oot cause analysis for issue r esolution. - Pr oficient in t ools such as T osca aut omation, Jir a, Selenium with Ja v a, and manual testing. Pr oject dur ation: 11/5/2022 t o 7/24/2023 1. During my college final y ear I got r eceiv ed 1st priz e in technical quiz. 2. Iam attended the NPTL online course which is IO T( Internet of things) and awar d as E llite. 3. I awar d star of the month. Ja v a(pr ogr amming language) P ython (pr ogr amming language) SQL (Structur ed Quer y Language) My SQL (My Structur ed Quer y Language) I'v e pr oficiently completed T risentis T osca A ut omation Specialist Le v el 1 on December 16, 2022, and Le v el 2 on Mar ch 17, 2023. I'v e par ticipated in J-ME TER tr aining.A CHIEVEMEN T S & A W ARDS L ANGU A GES CER TIFICA TIONS

Work experience

1 years 8 months

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1 year

Automation engineer

January 2022 - August 2023


Exceeded company targets by implementing automated processes, resulting in streamlined operations and improved efficiency. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and execute software solutions, leading to significant cost savings. Enhanced productivity by troubleshooting and resolving technical issues, ensuring uninterrupted workflow. Adapted to evolving technologies to optimize systems and deliver high-quality results. Demonstrated strong analytical skills in identifying areas for improvement and implementing innovative solutions.


lakki reddy bali reddy collage of engineering

2017 - 2021

Bachelor of Technology - BTech in Electrical and electronics engineering

July 2017 - August 2021

Passionate and self-motivated IT professional with a strong educational background. Excels in various technology-related subjects and possesses a drive for continuous learning. Proven ability to effectively apply acquired knowledge and skills in practical settings. Dedicated to implementing innovative solutions and staying up-to-date with industry advancements. Committed to delivering high-quality results and contributing to the success of organizations.


AFLAC medical insurance policy

Jan 2022 - Jan 2023

dating them based on new information and guidelines. - Conducted thorough review of all claims - Updated claims based on new information and guidelines - Ensured accuracy and compliance of claims - Improved overall quality and efficiency of claims process - Collaborated with team members to gather necessary information - Communicated updates and changes to stakeholders - Achieved project goals and objectives within specified timeline - Successfully implemented updated claims process - Received positive feedback from stakeholders on improved accuracy and efficiency of claims.

Awards & achievements

I award and i have completed IOT (Internet of things) with c

Jan 2020