Sammy Kumar

Sammy Kumar

Bengaluru, IN • Joined Aug 2023


Results-oriented engineer with a strong drive for success, seeking a challenging role in a dynamic and enjoyable work environment. Proven ability to work effectively in teams, fostering open communication and collaboration. Excellent interpersonal skills demonstrated through successful project delivery and strong relationship building. Eager to continually learn and grow professionally while making valuable contributions to organizational success.

Work experience

10 months

Org Logo

DXC Technology

10 month

Associate Professional Software Developer

February 2022 - November 2022


- Developed proficiency in Java, JSP, Servlet, Hibernate, and Database management. - Utilized Java programming skills to successfully create and maintain web applications. - Demonstrated expertise in using STS, Eclipse, and Intellij IDE to enhance productivity and efficiency. - Actively expanded knowledge and skills in the field of software development through continuous learning.


Radharaman Institute of Technology & Science Bhopal

2017 - 2021

Bachelor of Technology - BTech in Computer Science & Engineering

August 2017 - July 2021

Skilled in Backend Development with a solid educational background: - Possess expertise in Backend Development - Proficient in Backend Development - Knowledgeable in Backend Development - Competent in Backend Development - Capable in Backend Development - Experienced in Backend Development



Aug 2020 - Jun 2021

Radharaman Institute of Technology & Science Bhopal

- Developed MyBlogApplication using Java and Spring Framework to create a dynamic and user-centered web application - Implemented Spring Boot and Spring Security to enhance the functionality and security of the application - Utilized Hibernate for JPA to efficiently manage the relational database - Incorporated HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to enhance the user interface and create an engaging experience - Leveraged MySQL as the relational database for efficient data storage and retrieval - Deployed the application on AWS for seamless accessibility and scalability - Utilized Git for version control to efficiently manage and track changes in the codebase.

Awards & achievements

Radharaman Institute of Technology & Science Bhopal

I was participated in coding and i get 1st prize

Aug 2019