Rashmi Shirguppi

Rashmi Shirguppi

Bengaluru, IN • Joined Jul 2023


Unity uplifter


Solution seeker


Venture vanguard



Hello, my name is Rashmi Shirguppi i am from Dandeli.I have nuclear family of 4. and I have recently earned a BBA degree in Finance. Currently, I am in the final year of my MBA program at IBMR Hubli, specializing in Finance and HR. My passion lies solely in the field of HR, and I am actively seeking opportunities to apply my knowledge and skills in this area. I have gained practical experience through two internships, one at West Coast Paper Mills Ltd as intern and another at EID Parry Ltd.


Institute of Business Management and Research, Hubli

2021 - Present

Master of Business Administration - MBA in Finance and HR

February 2021 - Present

Hello, my name is Rashmi and recently I am in the final year of my MBA program at IBMR Hubli, specializing in Finance and HR. My passion lies solely in the field of HR and I am actively seeking opportunities to apply my knowledge and skills in this area. I have gained practical experience through two internships, one at West Coast Paper Mills Ltd as intern and another at EID Parry Ltd.

Karnatak Arts college Dharwad

2018 - 2021

Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA in Finance

June 2018 - September 2021


Financial performance analysis

Feb 2023 - Mar 2023

Institute of Business Management and Research, Hubli

- Successfully completed internship on financial performance analysis of WCPM Company, acquiring comprehensive knowledge in finance stream - Demonstrated passion for finance through analysis of company's financial data - Developed strong skills in analyzing financial statements and identifying key performance indicators - Applied theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, contributing to overall growth in finance expertise - Gained valuable experience in conducting research, compiling reports, and presenting findings to senior management.

Organizational Study

Apr 2020 - May 2020

Karnatak Arts college Dharwad