Anshul R Shetty

Anshul R Shetty

Bengaluru, IN • Joined Jul 2023

Followed by Sohan Rai


I am a 3rd year Mechanical Engineering student at St. Joseph Engineering College, Mangalore, Karnataka. I am an automotive and motorsport enthusiast. I’m looking forward to pursuing my career in the field of automobile engineering.


St Joseph Engineering College

2020 - 2023

Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering

September 2020 - May 2023

Worked in my college's SAE Collegiate Club called Team SJEC Racing where we built Turtle V, an ATV that took part in SAEINDIA mBAJA, 2022 which was held in NATRiP, Pithampur. Worked as the mechanical design lead for Automation and Robotics club where I designed Curio 3.0, a guide bot and an Autonomous Wheelchair for locomotor patients.


Turtle V

Jun 2021 - Jun 2023

St Joseph Engineering College

Built an All Terrain Vehicle to compete in SAEINDIA mBAJA 2022.

Autonomous Wheelchair for Locomotor Patients

Jan 2022 - May 2023

St Joseph Engineering College

Designed an Autonomous Wheelchair for Locomotor Patients

Awards & achievements

St Joseph Engineering College

Winners at the NITTE Healthcare Innovation Hackathon

May 2023

St Joseph Engineering College

Emerged first in a scholarship test conducted by TIME

Apr 2023

St Joseph Engineering College

Winner Mechathon 2022

Jan 2023